Coordina un camp de treball aquest estiu!

Coordina un camp de treball aquest estiu!

Has fet un camp de treball amb l’SCI? Aquest any tens l’oportunitat de coordinar-ne un al territori!

Si tens experiència participant de camps de treball i tens ganes de viure una nova experiència intercultural, pots fer de coordinadora d’un camp de treball.

Pots participar d’algun dels camps que organitzem al territori (Catalunya, País Valencià o Illes Balears) assumint la figura de coordinador/a d’un grup de voluntaris i voluntàries. Només cal que tinguis experiència en camps de treball o grups interculturals, bon nivell d’anglès i ganes de participar-hi!

Les tasques de la persona coordinadora són:
 Fer d’enllaç i vetllar per la bona comunicació entre el grup i l’entitat promotora.
– Gestionar el temps, l’espai de treball i les estones de lleure, tot facilitant l’autogestió del grup i el bon funcionament del camp.
– La persona coordinadora és voluntària, i per tant, s’espera que tot el grup doni suport en aquesta coordinació.

Si hi estàs interessat/ada, envia un correu a el més aviat possible! A continuació pots veure els camps pels quals necessitem persones coordinadores:


AMETLLA DEL VALLÈS: Reconstruction of a hostel and work with children and young people in Catalonia (9th – 17th April)

Description: Fundació Roser de Maig is an ENL for social, educational and leisure action. The foundational aims are towards leisure education and sociocultural animation, which are carried out through a social task and to help those people who need it most. The promotion of spaces for the development of socio-educational activities, as well as a musical space, are key to our raison d’être, trying to reach as many participants as possible. We offer support projects with other entities in the city. We have other projects in Catalonia, as well as internationally.

Type of Work: The proposed tasks are the reconstruction and adaptation of outdoor spaces. These are very extensive and some are disused due to the poor condition in which they are found. In addition, the organization works with children and young people, so they will participate jointly in the revitalization of these.

ROVIRA NOVA: Labyrinth in the Rovira Nova workcamp (18th – 28th July)

Description: The purpose of the Rovira Nova space is to generate personal and collective transformation processes through regular activities such as peace dances, yoga, meditations, theater and various body awareness therapies (TCI, Río Abierto, Taichi, biodance, etc.). They do not currently have a website. They communicate via email.

Type of Work: The main task of the workcamp is to constuct a labyrinth of mediation in the location.Other activities that can be done are talks, debates, outings and visits of interest to the topic, artistic expression activities, street actions, discovery of other projects.

VALLS: Can Pipirimosca (24th July – 7h August)

Description: Can Pipirimosca is an ecological farm where agriculture, far from being the main objective, is the means that allows the organization of cultural and associative activities. From the operation as a farm, a production is obtained that allows self-sufficiency and the possibility of making a sustainable lifestyle and consistent with the environment where exchange, multiculturalism, coexistence, personal growth and education in values are the ultimate goals.

Type of Work: You will have an experience depply ecological, sustainable food, no coffee etc. The main project will be to help in the maintenance of a shed next to the house which will be the space where courses, workshops will be held. You should be advised that the work to be done will be mostly physical.

VALL DE SIARB: Recovery of old roads and dry stone building elements and discovery of an unusual valley in the Pyrenees (15th – 26th September and 10th –  21st October)

Description: BalmesBlancs is an association that started its activity by organizing thematic experiences in nature with the aim of knowing the environment in different topics, such as: canyoning with geology, snowshoeing with learning snow , trips to the sea with knowledge of marine fauna, etc. From 2013 the entity began to manage the Vall de Siarb Refuge, a rural accommodation located in the village of Llagunes (Pallars Sobira).

Type of Work: The technical work that will be carried out in the field of work consists, in general, in different related tasks with improving the paths of the Valley. The following are the main ones: Clearing roads; Rebuild the dry stone wall sections; Remove stones from the road; Improvement of paved sections; Improved signage with paint.

BARCELONA: FESC – Fair of Economical Solidarity Catalonia (21st – 29th October)

Description: The Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia is the time of year when all the entities in the field are grouped in the same space and debate on the role of another economy in Catalonia. At the same time, it means an extra workload. This is an opportunity for a good exchange between people interested in the movement of alternative economies and who can lend a hand in the assembly and sustainment of the X FESC

Type of Work: The volunteers’ tasks will consist of supporting the logistics of the Solidarity Economy Fair of Catalonia. For example: the preparation of the material, the assembly of the space, the distribution of materials and the disassembly of the Fair, among others.